Nr Symbol Index_name Static Parametric Depending_on_treatments Reference
1 CV Coefficient of variation yes yes no Francis & Kannenberg (1978) Can J Plant Sci 58: 1029-1034 
2 Environmental variance yes yes no Francis & Kannenberg (1978) Can J Plant Sci 58: 1029-1034
3 SD Absolute stability  yes yes no Knapp & van der Heijden (2018): Nature Comm 9: 3632
4 aCV Adjusted coefficient of variation no yes yes Döring & Reckling (2018) Eur J Agron 99: 33-36
5 Shukla's stability variance no yes yes Shukla (1972) Hered 28: 237-245
6 ? Contribution of individual genotypes to overall genotype interaction no yes yes Plaisted & Peterson (1959) Am Pot J 36: 381-385
7 Wi Wricke's ecovalence no yes yes Wricke (1962) Z Pfl.Zücht. 47: 92-146
8 ?i Consistency of genotypes over all environments no yes yes Plaisted (1960) Am Pot J 37: 166-172
9 b Regression coefficient (against environmental mean) no yes yes Finlay & Wilkinson (1963) Austr J Agr Res 14: 742-754
10 S²d Deviation from regression no yes yes Eberhard & Russell (1966) Crop Sci 6: 36-40
11 ? Deviation from linear response no yes yes Tai (1971) Crop Sci 11: 184-190
12 ?? Linear response to environmental effects no yes yes Tai (1971) Crop Sci 11: 184-190
13 Coefficient of determination of linear regression against environmental means no yes yes Pinthus (1973) Euphytica 22: 121-123
14 YR Yield residuals, averaged deviation from temporal trend; time corrected environmental variance n.a. yes no Calderini & Slafer (1998) Field Crops Res 57: 335-347
15 RYR Relative yield residuals, averaged deviation from temporal trend, time trend-corrected CV n.a. yes no Calderini & Slafer (1998) Field Crops Res 57: 335-347
16 POLAR Power law residuals yes yes yes Döring et al. (2015) Field Crops Res 183: 294-302
17 Hanson's genotypic stability parameter n.a. yes n.a. Hanson (1970) Theor Appl Genet 40: 226-231
18 D Fractal stability yes yes no Eghball & Power (1995) Agron J 87: 152
19 Pi Cultivar superiority measure no yes yes Lin & Binns (1988) Can J Plant Sci 68: 193-198
20 MSPI Mean squares of genotype by environment interactions no yes yes Lin & Binns (1988) Can J Plant Sci 68: 193-198
21 SHY/SMY Floating checks for site highest yield and site mean yield no yes yes Jensen (1976) Cereal Res Comm 4: 285-295
22 ASV AMMI stability value; and further variations no n.a. yes Fikere et al. (2014): Afr J Agr Res 33: 2574-2583
23 Si(1) Rank based non-parametric stability parameter 1 n.a. no yes Nassar & Huehn 1987. Biometrics. 43: 45-53
24 Si(2) Rank based non-parametric stability parameter 2 n.a. no yes Nassar & Huehn 1987. Biometrics. 43: 45-53
25 Si(3) Rank based non-parametric stability parameter 3 n.a. no yes Nassar & Huehn 1987. Biometrics. 43: 45-53